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FPT University|e-Resources > Đồ án tốt nghiệp (Dissertations) > Truyền thông đa phương tiện >
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3239

Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Huệ
Đào, Mai Liên
Lê, Hải Khánh
Trần, Khánh Huyền
Nguyễn, Thanh Hương
Keywords: Multimedia Communications
Communication Campaign
Ha Noi
Ho Chi Minh
Da Nang
Golden Moment with your child
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: FPTU Hà Nội
Abstract: The global pandemic COVID-19 broke out for 2 years, causing severe consequences for humanity. In this context, children are not allowed to go to schools or kindergartens and have to stay at home and learn online. This has caused many difficulties for parents in taking care of and educating their children. For that reason, the United Nations Children's Fund in Vietnam (UNICEF Viet Nam) came up with the idea of a campaign that provides helpful resources on children's issues for parents with weekly bulletin emails. In cooperation with CREATIO, a reliable media agency, the campaign called “Golden Moment with your child” is going to be launched over a period of 20 weeks (September 2021 - February 2022). During the phase 1 period (September 2021 - December 2021), our team had planned and implemented this communication campaign as CREATIO’s interns. With the purpose of spreading the message: “Make every minute with your child a golden moment”, the campaign targets parents who are officers having children in primary and secondary school in big cities in Viet Nam: Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang. The project mainly focuses on building email bulletins and podcast series about parenting activities, help parents have more information sources about the topic, and decrease difficulties in social distancing. With a total budget of 607,860,000 VND, the project has got the attention of more than 13,000 parents after more than 10 weeks of running.
URI: /handle/123456789/3239
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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