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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3057

Title: Building a Binary De-obfuscation Tool with Miasm Framework
Authors: Nguyễn, Trọng Tài
Nguyễn, Bá Điền
Đặng, Phan Chí Trung
Phan, Minh Sung
Phan, Minh Hoàng
Keywords: Đồ án
Miasm framework
code center is Miasm framework
Issue Date: 4-Jan-2021
Abstract: Solution is to build a tool to de-obfuscate code center is Miasm framework. Miasm is a free and open source reverse engineering framework. It assists binary analysts a convenient and reliable place to analyze a program by assembly language.
URI: /handle/123456789/3057
Appears in Collections:An toàn Thông tin ( Information Assurance)

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