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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2909

Title: A study on the most common final sounds that are mispronouned by English-majored students at FUHCM
Authors: Le, Thi Minh Loan
Le, Thuy Tien
Nguyen, Hoang Cam Tu
Tran, Quang Nhut
Keywords: Final sounds
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: FPTU HCM
Abstract: Pronunciation training is a very important part of mastering any foreign language, including English. Especially, final sounds’ pronunciation has been considered as a mandatory for linguistic learners all over the world to deliver their messages precisely. This research aims to investigate the most common final sounds that are mispronounced by English-majored students and its contributing factors. Furthermore, the research also proposes several recommendations for the participants to ameliorate their English final sounds’ pronunciation and paves the way for the next English-majored generations to discover solutions. The research scope was FPT University, HCMC campus in terms of 50 randomly English-majored students of B13 and B15. Besides, mixed methodology was utilized to conduct observations, oral surveys and questionaires for participants as well as provided accurate data and percentages for each final sound’s mispronunciation in specific statistical tables or diagrams. Based on the finding of the study, reasonable elucidations are presented, giving supportive conclusions that benefit not only students but also teachers so that they can refer and improve their learning and teaching for final sounds’ pronunciation in the future
URI: /handle/123456789/2909
Appears in Collections:Ngôn ngữ Anh (English Language)

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