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Title: A study on HCMC FPT University English-majored students' attitudes toward peer review in writing lessons
Authors: Le, Thi Minh Loan
Pham, Thi Van Anh
Vu, Thi Phuong
Vu, Minh Duc
Keywords: Peer review
Writing lesson
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: FPTU HCM
Abstract: This current study aims at examining students’ attitudes toward peer review to improve their English writing skills. A mixed methods research design was adopted to grasp students’ attitudes toward peer review. A form of questionnaire comprises of 10 statements on a fivepoint Likert-type rating scale which were administered to 115 English-majored students at FUHCM and a form of interview includes four open-ended questions. The overall findings illustrated that students had positive attitudes toward peer review. As a result, it could be conducted that students understood the effectiveness of peer review methods because they realized that peer review could help them improve writing skills. Additionally, peer review would be an effective method if the teachers gave the students a clear and specific instruction in order to let them know what they do. The paper concludes by strongly suggesting that peer review should be considered to be officially approached in the curriculum of English-majored students or even the other majors.
URI: /handle/123456789/2907
Appears in Collections:Ngôn ngữ Anh (English Language)

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