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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2900

Title: Smart parcel lockers for the last-mile delivery in modern apartments and big office buildings in Ho Chi Minh city
Authors: Luu, Nhat Lan
Nguyen, Hoang Linh
Nguyen, Thanh My Duyen
Le, Thi Thu Ha
Vo, Thuy To Nhu
Nguyen, Gia Huy
Pham, Minh Hien
Keywords: Smart parcel lockers
Modern apartments
Ho Chi Minh city
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: FPTU HCM
Abstract: his is the graduation project of one FPT University student group related to the business plan for BuzzyBox Company - a company that provides services of the smart parcel lockers for the lastmile delivery in modern apartments and big office buildings in Ho Chi Minh City. BuzzyBox features include Box-renting for B2C customers, Collection points for e-commerce businesses, Drop-off delivery for delivery couriers and Outdoor advertising services. The Vietnamese ecommerce market in recent years tends to grow strongly, which leads to the explosion of orders from consumers, making the order delivery process of businesses become more difficult. In addition, the current form of home delivery still has many disadvantages that cause inconvenience for consumers. Hence, the BuzzyBox smart parcel lockers appear to be the important bridge between shippers and consumers that helps e-commerce and delivery companies to optimize their costs and performance in last-mile delivery, which is the most important and costly step in the Logistics process. The report uses the PESTEL model, CANVAS model, Porter's Five Forces model, TOWS matrix, STP model, 7P's model and RACE model for 8 chapters including Industrial Analysis, Market Analysis and Product Introduction, Operation Management, Marketing Strategies, Financial Strategies within 7 years of the company's operation, the Future Roadmap and Risk Management. In the first year, BuzzyBox has a total of 16 lockers placed in luxury buildings and apartments in District 1, 2, 3, 7, Ho Chi Minh City. In the following years, it will develop into 173 lockers by year 7, covering all of Ho Chi Minh City and can even develop into other major cities to reach its ultimate objective - operating the BuzzyBox ecosystem to bring the highest value to Vietnamese consumers. As the symbol of the company is the bee, BuzzyBox wants to give the customers an insightful choice in tackling obstacles in last-mile delivery in a dedicated, friendly, and professional way. BuzzyBox smart parcel lockers service is a breakthrough solution that ensures to save time, optimize cost, generate convenience and be friendly for users. It is the next generation of smart Logistics in assisting last-mile delivery of the Vietnamese market.
URI: /handle/123456789/2900
Appears in Collections:Quản trị kinh doanh (Business Administration)

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