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FPT University|e-Resources >
Browsing by Issue Date
Showing results 1 to 20 of 3327
Preview Issue Date Title Author(s) 1988 [ebook]The C programming language Kernighan, Brian W. ; Ritchie., Dennis M.
1988 [ebook]Schaum’s 3000 solved problems in calculus Mendelson, Elliott
1988 [ebook]Vector calculus Marsden, Jerrold E. ; Tromba, Anthony J.
1992 Computer System Architecture Mano, M. Morris
1995 [DTG303] The illusion of life: Disney animation Thomas, Frank ; Johnston, Ollie
1995 Managing Quality Cultural Tourism Priscilla, Boniface
1995 [ebook]Design patterns : Elements of reusable object-oriented software Gamma, Erich
1997 [ebook]MAO301- Combinatorial Optimization Cook, William J. ; Pulleyblank, William R. ; Schrijver, Alexander ; Cunningham, William H.
1997 [Ebook] Handbook of applied
cryptography Menezes, Alfred ; Oorschot, Paul Van ; Vanstone, Scott
24-Mar-1997 A question of leverage Vuong, Quan Hoang
1999 Managing the guest experience in hospitality. 1st Edition Robert, Ford ; Cherrill, P. Heaton
1999 [ebook]Joe Celko’s Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Celko, Joe
2000 [SWC101] 図解でわかるソフトウェア開発のすべて : 構造化手法からオブジェクト指向まで = Zukai de wakaru sofutōea kaihatsu no subete : Kōzōka shuhō kara obujiekuto shikō made Keiei Jōhō, Kenkyūkai
2000 [ebook]Mastering XML Ann, Navarro ; Burman, Linda ; White, Chuck
2000 [ebook]Professional Java server programming J2EE Allamaraju, Subrahmanyam
2000 [ebook]Internet Core Protocols The Definitive Guide Hall, Eric A.
12-Aug-2000 The Vietnamese Corporate Bond Market: An Early Exploration into the 1992-1999 Period Vuong, Quan Hoang
2001 [MGT102] マネジメント : 基本と原則 = Manejimento : kihon to gensoku Drucker, Peter F. ; Atsuo, Ueda
2001 [FOM201] Front Office Operatons and Management Ismail, Ahmed
2001 [ebook]Effective Java programming language guide Bloch, Joshua
Showing results 1 to 20 of 3327