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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/4006

Title: Organizing FPT35 ceremonial performance show: “Who? We; Us!”
Other Titles: Tổ chức hội diễn STCo kỷ niệm 35 năm thành lập tập đoàn FPT: “Ai? Chúng tôi; Chúng ta!”
Authors: Nguyễn, Thu Huệ
Đào, Trung Kiên
Đỗ, Huyền Linh
Nguyễn, Thành Chung
Nguyễn, Đức Tiến
Keywords: Truyền thông đa phương tiện
Multimedia Communications
FPT Corporation
Dấu ấn FPT
FPT 35
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: FPTU Hà Nội
Abstract: In contemporary times, employees not only anticipate a competitive salary and a healthy work environment but also seek a sense of belonging to their company. To establish a secure sense of job attachment, employees must feel recognized and valued for their contributions and achievements. Recognizing this need, FPT being one of the largest technology conglomerates in Vietnam, places considerable emphasis on communication activities and events for its employees. Over the years, FPT has organized various programs to honor employees and businesses. This year, the STCo performance show “Who? We; Us!” stands out as a significant event celebrating the establishment of FPT Group. This year’s event is organized by agency Rosemedia in collaboration with the Department of Corporate Culture of FPT Group. The entire preparation and implementation process of the program spanned 63 days, from July 13 to September 15. The program plan was divided into five stages: (1) Ideation and design; (2) Event preparation, team allocation, and drawing lots; (3) Testing and overall program rehearsal; (4) Organizing the “Who? Us; We!” Festival; (5) Event summary and contract conclusion. With a budget of 2,000,000,000 VND, the event witnessed the participation of 2,500 attendees, including all founding board’ members and leaders of the FPT Group, along with employees from its subsidiary companies. The program featured 8 competitive performances, with an average of 60 participants in each, including at least 1 leader in each performance. The results of the Festival included 5 group awards, each valued at 5 million VND, alongside 4 individual awards, each valued at 1 million VND, and recognition of 3 businesses receiving the main prizes of the Festival.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/4006
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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