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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3807

Title: Applying ABU&VOV 's creative social story-telling methods in building a TikTok channel with social meaning for FPT University students, 1st period
Other Titles: Ứng dụng phương pháp kể chuyện sáng tạo của ABU & VOV trong việc phát triển kênh TikTok mang thông điệp xã hội cho sinh viên Đại học FPT,  giai đoạn 1
Authors: Vu, Viet Nga
Do, Kieu Duc An
Nguyen, Thi Van Huyen
Duong, Minh Nguyet
Nguyen, Huong Giang
Keywords: Multimedia Communications
TikTok channel
Social story-telling
Social meaning
FPT University
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: FPTU Hà Nội
Abstract: The prevailing trend of succinct content creation and its rapid consumption has engendered various distortions, resulting in the proliferation of dubious content across social media platforms, particularly within the TikTok realm. The Topy Team, composed of K15 students specializing in Multimedia Communication Management at FPT University Hanoi, has initiated the TikTok platform “Topy at FPT” with the central objective of curating salubrious content and conveying resonant messages pertaining to happiness. This mission is targeted not only at FPT University students but also extends to the broader national student community. The “Topy at FPT” TikTok channel is poised to recalibrate the younger generation’s perspective on TikTok content creation while channeling impactful narratives centered around happiness. Moreover, the project endeavors to establish an integrated ecosystem of online (TikTok, Facebook) and offline (events) media channels, fostering a secure and affirmative online haven for Generation Z. The content repertoire will encompass diverse facets of happiness, adroitly communicated through narrative storytelling, insightful interviews, and thought-provoking social experiments.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3807
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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