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Đồ án tốt nghiệp Dissertations SP23MC01 Truyền thông đa phương tiện Multimedia Communication Communication campaign Community attitudes HIV/AIDS
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Based on reports and secondary research findings, we find that lack of knowledge, inadequate understanding of HIV/AIDS and lack of empathy are the main factors contributing to fear and S&D towards PLWH (People living with HIV). To support the study, we conducted primary research (qualitative and quantitative) on people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards PLWH. Research results show that most people have basic knowledge about HIV. However, the accuracy of people's comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS is not high, there are still many misconceptions that are not enough and true in many certain situations. The survey of attitudes in general situations shows that most people have a positive attitude towards PLWH. However, discriminatory behavior still occurs in certain situations. Therefore, our communication project is carried out with the desire to add accurate information about HIV to the community, build empathy thereby contributing to reducing the discriminatory behavior of the society towards the community of PLWH.