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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3667

Title: The effect of Patriotic Advertising on Generation Z's Brand Love in Vietnam: The moderating effect of Corporate Philanthropic Contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic
Other Titles: Ảnh hưởng của quảng cáo chứa yếu tố yêu nước đến tình yêu thương hiệu của thế hệ Z tại Việt Nam: Vai trò điều tiết của các hoạt động vì cộng đồng của các doanh nghiệp trong đại dịch Covid-19
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Lựu
Nguyễn, Thị Thanh Hằng
Ngô, Thị Vĩnh
Nguyễn, Nhật Mai
Hoàng, Ngọc Đức Thành
Nguyễn, Hồng Liên
Keywords: Covid-19
Business Administration
Philanthropic Corporate
Generation Z
Digital Marketing
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: FPTU Hà Nội
Abstract: The objective of the research was to examine how patriotic advertising influences the level of brand love among Generation Z in Vietnam. A moderated mediation model was constructed in which corporate philanthropic contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic is proposed to have a moderating effect on the mediating effect of attitude toward advertising. Two research studies (study 1: experiment; study 2: online survey) were carried out involving 702 participants and the collected data were analyzed through SPSS and Baron and Kenny's Mediation Method. The study's results indicate that being exposed to patriotic advertising themes had a favorable effect on the respondents' attitudes toward advertising and love for the brand. Moreover, the impact of patriotic advertising on brand love is mediated by the attitude toward advertising. Furthermore, the study discovered that corporate philanthropic contributions during the Covid-19 pandemic positively moderated the association between patriotic advertising and attitude toward advertising, and its effect is also evident in moderating the mediating role of attitude toward advertising. These findings provide insights into the effectiveness of patriotic advertising among Generation Z in Vietnam and the role of corporate philanthropy in enhancing the impact of advertising during challenging times. This study has implications for marketers and advertisers, highlighting the importance of incorporating patriotic themes and corporate philanthropy in their advertising campaigns to improve brand love among Generation Z
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3667
Appears in Collections:Quản trị kinh doanh (Business Administration)

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