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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3608

Title: Practical Examination Tool for CSD203 and PFP191
Other Titles: Công cụ đóng gói đề và chấm thi thực hành môn CSD203 và PFP191
Authors: Bùi, Ngọc Anh
Đinh, Thanh Hoàng
Trần, Tất Đạt
Phạm, Quang Thái
Nguyễn, Thế Hải
Nguyễn, Chí Kiên
Keywords: Software Engineering
Practical Examination
Practice exam
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FPTU HN
Abstract: FPT Group launched FPT University on August 8th, 2006. Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering are FPT University's most well-known majors. Students majoring in software engineering or artificial intelligence will gain a foundational understanding of mathematics as well as a fundamental scientific understanding of computers and computing.1 At least one coding-related subject, such as Programming Fundamentals (Programming with the C programming language) or Programming Fundamentals with Python (for students in Artificial Intelligence major), will be offered every semester. Students are required to take theory and practical exams at the end of the semester. Currently, PEA (Practical Exam Automation), an automated grading approach in use by FPT University, is utilised to grade practice exams. A formal practical exam called PEA is set up for all practical subjects. FPT University uses two different kinds of practical exams: human-graded and machine-graded. For the subjects Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (CSD203) and Programming Fundamentals with Python (PFP191), we will develop features for automatic grading of PEA and features for generating paper. Compared to manual grading for practical exams, where the Examination Officer has to go through the process of extracting student solutions, copy test cases from given to 1 Trường Đại học FPT - Trang thông tin tuyển sinh chính thức của Trường Đại học FPT, https://daihoc.fpt.edu.vn/. 12 student solutions, execute student's code, collect output from student's output, compare output between student's and correct output, record student's mark. This is a time-consuming and complicated process, plus the complicated given and student solution structures, can easily lead to inaccurate results. The autograding process can do all the above tasks in a short amount of time, ensure 100% accuracy, export and analyse the grading results, keep files and folders on user devices organised, and give time for users to check on abnormal cases from the exam if needed. Our tools will provide above benefits to the users, saving them time while guaranteeing accurate grading accuracy.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3608
Appears in Collections:Công nghệ thông tin - Kỹ thuật phần mềm

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