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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3596

Title: Communication campaign for Lac Viet Intech dental chain in the fourth quarter of 2022
Other Titles: Chiến dịch truyền thông cho chuỗi nha khoa Lạc Việt Intech quý 4 năm 2022
Authors: Lê, Lan Ngọc
Phùng, Thị Thùy Linh
Trần, Hồng Trang
Vũ, Thị Linh Chi
Vũ, Thị Tuyết Nhung
Keywords: Multimedia Communications
Communication campaign
Lac Viet Intech
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FPTU HN
Abstract: After considerable thought, Lac Viet Intech was born on 11/11/2011 on a little street. Doctor Thai Khac Vinh runs Lac Viet Dental Clinic, located at 280 Khuong Trung, Khuong Dinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi. Although Lac Viet Intech is one of the country's leading dentists, it has not touched different customer files, and Lac Viet Intech needs to expand further in terms of communication. Color Team (K14 Multimedia Student, FPT University) is thrilled to have you join us as a media intern to brainstorm new project ideas and action strategies. Motion. We actively watched all aspects of the media campaign while working for Lac Viet Intech. However, in this thesis, we will focus our analysis on four main projects of the September-December 2022 campaign, which are: Our team's role in this project: Discussion "Uu điem cua cong nghe trong rang implant safe tech" 2022 Community Health Day Create a Tiktok channel Social platform development: Facebook, Tiktok - Four fundamental criteria guide our project: Novelty: Increasingly, the problem of braces or dental implants is gaining a lot of attention, but when people come to it, it's mostly to change their beauty, not knowing that if they don't do it, it would drastically harm their health and life. Living. So our advertising aims to modify people's perceptions of braces; braces aren't simply for looks. - Practicality: Using the theoretical foundation we've acquired, we've had the opportunity to apply what we've learned to specific occupations and produce communication products that can be used in practice. - Social humanity: The purpose of this campaign is not merely to raise brand awareness or customer trust but also to change people's perceptions of the braces problem. Braces will no longer be just for beauty; they will also safeguard one's health and significantly impact one's life and career. - Science: To evaluate communication efficacy, use research methodologies to design specific goals and measure results. The production books were examined for plagiarism using Grammarly Pro software, and the results were positive, with approximately 96% similarity to the original. In addition to the specially polished design, we present the detailed structure and content of the Book produced by scientific study standards.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3596
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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