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Title: Southern Star no.10 - Drama: Tieng trong Me Linh
Other Titles: Ngôi Sao Phương Nam số 10 - Vở kịch: Tiếng trống Mê Linh
Authors: Lê, Lan Ngọc
Phạm, Mai Ly
Lê, Minh Quang
Nguyễn, Thị Như Quỳnh
Keywords: Multimedia Communications
Communication campaign
Song Lang Song Loan
Southern Star
Traditional art
Vietnamese culture
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FPTU HN
Abstract: Most people, particularly young people, have seen changes in their aesthetic preferences and pleasure of art as a result of the continually shifting social milieu. Art audiences no longer want musical works that are infused with national identity, represent the essence of many generations, and have deep humanistic undertones. The public wants novelty, innovation, rigorous planning, and the ability to spot trends. It is essential to educate young audiences - those who are directing the future of the nation - about the value of national art in order to inspire appreciation for the folk arts and humanity that have endured for many generations (Cai Luong). Understanding that, We - a group of young people studying multimedia communication, are aware of this and are passionate about bringing the Cai Luong art form to young people in order to preserve Vietnamese culture’s values gradually. For many years, VietArt Company - a pioneer in bringing Cai Luong Phuong Nam closer to the audience in the capital, has persistently organized the program “Southern Star”, honoring the beauty of traditional art. Song Lang Song Loan is an Online Communication campaign, combining the organization of the event “Southern Star” with VietArt Company for 3 purposes: (1) Affirming the intense vitality of Cai Luong Theater after hundreds of years of construction and development. (2) Create a wider information network about Cai Luong, spread understanding and arouse love of Cai Luong among students in Hanoi. (3) Raise awareness of young people in preserving and promoting the values of the nation. We hope this campaign can strengthen the image of Cai Luong, which is an indispensable value that all young people today must protect to continue in the future. The campaign takes place within 4 months: From September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 is divided into 2 phases: (1) Organized Southern Star Event at Hanoi Opera House with the participation of Phuong Nam Cai Luong art troupe from Saigon. With a budget of 2,930,800,000 events that attracted 2,208 attendees, many positive feedbacks from the audience and covered in major newspapers (VietNamnet, Dan Tri, ...), helping to increase the coverage of the Cai Luong stage to come. the public in Hanoi capital. (2) Communication campaign “Song Lang Song Loan” through today’s most popular social networking platforms (Facebook & Tiktok), creating a wider and deeper channel of Cai Luong information, reaching out to you. students in Hanoi capital. Through mini events, attract the audience to learn more about the project. Up to now, the project has attracted 700 followers on the Facebook platform, 2754 followers on the Tiktok platform.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3590
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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