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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3588

Title: Raise awareness of “the method of “self-reliance support” for the elderly” in Vietnam
Other Titles: Nâng cao nhận thức về “Phương pháp “Hỗ trợ tự lập” cho người cao tuổi” tại Việt Nam
Authors: Lương, Thanh Bình
Hoàng, Ánh Linh
Vũ, Lê Huy
Nguyễn, Quang Anh
Keywords: Multimedia Communications
Communication campaign
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FPTU HN
Abstract: Vietnam is one of the top ten nations with the fastest population ageing rate globally. Vietnamese people currently have an extremely high life expectancy of almost 73 years. Although the average life expectancy is high, the elderly in our country have lower-than-average healthy longevity (64 years) compared to many other nations. The traditional perception of independence is one of the elements influencing the healthy longevity of the elderly. According to the general viewpoint of society, the elderly should fully rest when they are old, which means they should not participate in social labor anymore and should only stay at home to rest and help their children with the household chores. That passive resting state limits the elderly's ability to walk and communicate and indirectly weakens the health of the elderly quickly. Studies by Japan Medical University indicate that the human body and mind functions will decline if not used. Moreover, that decline is occurring at a rate that is unimaginably fast. For the elderly, being inactive can refer to any period when they cannot get up or walk. 10 Realizing this problem, Polaris Japan decided to establish a subsidiary Polaris Vietnam joint venture with Remedy with the intention of later franchising in Vietnam. With a mission to help the elderly in Vietnam change the perception of "self-reliance support". Bringing the certified method from Japan to Vietnam, our team wishes to accompany Polaris in this campaign to carry out its mission. Through the communication campaign "Raising awareness of the "Method of "Self-Reliance Support" for the elderly" in Vietnam, we aim at three main goals. First, we wish to spread the brand's core values Polaris wants to convey. Second, encourage people to take part in the communication project's activities. Finally, like the name of the campaign, we hope that through this campaign, it will contribute to raising awareness of the community, thereby changing behavior and leading to a happy and self-reliant life for the elderly
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/3588
Appears in Collections:Truyền thông đa phương tiện

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