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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2478

Title: The Application of CDIO Standards to Clinical Engineering Education
Authors: SHIMIZU, Yoshiyuki
ANADA, Yuichi
HAYATA, Naohiko
Keywords: medical simulators
Practical training rooms
Clinical Engineering Education
Clinical Engineers
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: CDIO
Abstract: The task of clinical engineers is the operation, monitoring and maintenance of medical equipment in hospitals. Specifically, they are involved in cardiac and endoscopic surgery, cardiac catheter treatment, cardiac pacemakers, artificial respiration and blood purification therapy, and emergency medical care, amongst other tasks. Required skills involve, but are not limited to, communication skills, decision-making ability and expedient responsiveness. The curriculum in the new clinical engineering department at Hokkaido Information University (HIU) consists of both medical education (including anatomy and pathology), and engineering education (including basic electrical engineering). Students are provided with an optimal workspace, appropriate medical simulations, and small-group education in an environment conducive to active learning. Hands-on training is conducted in a dedicated clinical engineering practice room, using appropriate medical equipment and/or simulations. The focus is not only on learning the correct response through simulating normal and abnormal situations, but also on how to develop problem solving skills, adopt a team approach, and acquire communication skills. There is also an ongoing effort to develop an appropriate evaluation method and measure learning outcomes. Furthermore, it is recognized that an amalgam of basic education and practical training, forming an integrated curriculum, is fundamental to the design of the course. In addition, in order to fortify the students’ integrated learning, extreme importance is attached to linking theoretical and practical exercises as well as establishing a collaborative system with clinical engineers working in hospitals. The application of the CDIO framework and associated standards to clinical engineering education seems both viable and valuable.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2478
Appears in Collections:CDIO

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