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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2196

Title: Evaluating the student’s satisfaction of On-The-Job Training Program at PT University
Authors: Võ, Minh Hiếu
Hồ, Thanh Xuân
Hà, Hoàng Ngân
Trần, Ngọc Bích Hưng
Keywords: Capstone Project
Đồ án tốt nghiệp
Student’s satisfaction
On-The-Job Training Program
FPT University
Issue Date: Aug-2017
Publisher: FPTU HCM
Abstract: Generally, the universities in Vietnam usually organize the internship program forsenior students before starting their own careers. However, particularly, in FPT University,there is a totally different internship program when it only starts for FPT students in thirdyear. Actually, there is no research about the OJT program in FPT University before and inthis following research, the authors will examine and point out a specific model by applying some previous researches which relate to the universities‘ OJT programs in several nations.The study gives an overview of the internship‘s current situation at FPT Universityand proposes a model count four factors that influent the students‘ satisfaction forwards the OJT program, include: job characteristics, working environment characteristics, faculty advisor and contextual factors. The research method includes both qualitative research (indepth interview and focus group) and quantitative research (survey). The valid sample size of the survey is 306, with respondents who experienced or are in OJT program.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2196
Appears in Collections:Quản trị kinh doanh (Business Administration)

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