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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2189

Title: FPT University Student Research Conference Proceedings - Volume 1
Authors: FPT University
Keywords: Student Research
Conference Proceedings
Scientific Research
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: FPT University
Series/Report no.: FPTU Student Research Conference;1
Abstract: Students’ scientific research is intellectual activities that support students to apply methodologies and methods of scientific research in studying and practicing; since, using a combination of learned knowledge to conduct research-based cognitive activity, contributing to solving scientific problems in real life and occupation. Recognizing scientific research is one of important tasks that FPT University has been step by step building, deploying and encouraging scientific research for staff, lecturers and students since the first day of establishment. As a result of fact, The 1st Student Research Conference was held in May of 2017, which the purpose of bringing environments for students to report their results of research to the Scientific Research Council; contributing to encouraging and promoting scientific research activities as well as applying results of research in reality as soon as possible. The conference is the place to receive the comments and suggestions from Board of Management, lecturers and staff to improve movement and quality in students’ scientific research. Throughout this conference, FPT University hopes to promote the students’ scientific research which also to raise awareness of the importance of science in improving the quality of teaching and training. In the conference, there are 8 groups with 8 different subjects belonging to two faculties: Software Engineering and Business. The Scientific Research Council has based on an evaluation process in order to select five topics to be presented in the Conference.
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/2189
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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