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Nowadays, learning is really important to all people in the world. In the old days, people just can learn on books, from teacher. But now, in this modern days, internet is really close to us so that, learning from the internet is a good way from now and future. People can stay at home and get knowledge from the website. It is a good way to save times and money because you do not have to spend time to go to school and pay less money for an online-lesson.
The aim of this project is to create an e-learning website that allow all people in the world to join and learn all lesson about information technology.
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Through this website, teaching-staff can direct insert, update, modify lesson, and all students who are user can join many course and enjoy their learning.
There are many e-learning website like this on the internet but the author of this website will make something difference such as: apply the newest technology to this website; choose the best teaching staff to give good course to users.