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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009ACC305-Financial Statement AnalysisSubramanyam, K. R.; Wild, John J.
AMIE_FinalReport.pdf.jpg2011Accounting module in ERP systemKy, Nguyen Hong; Thao, Hoang Phuong; My, Luu Hang; Kien, Ta Trung; Tri, Nguyen Tan; Tiep, Nguyen Van
Analyze the M&A Strategy in Consumer Goods Segment_ Case study of Masan Consumer.pdf.jpg2015Analyze the M&A Strategy in Consumer Goods Segment_ Case study of Masan ConsumerNguyen, Thuy Ngoc Duyen; Nguyen, Thuy Vy; Cao, Nguyen Nam Phuong; Bui, Hoang Mai Trinh; Le, Yen Nhi; Le, Thai Binh
Applying Black – Scholes Model in option pricing for VN 30.pdf.jpg2015“Applying Black – Scholes Model in option pricing for VN 30”Bùi, Thị Thảo Ly; Nguyen, Thi Huyen Trang; Phan, Quoc Buu; Hoang, Tuan Anh
Business failure and restructuring strategy–Case study analysis BinhAn Seafood JSC.pdf.jpg2015Business failure and restructuring strategy – Case study analysis: BinhAn Seafood JSCNguyễn, Thuy Ngoc Duyen; Tran, Nam Huy; Nguyen, Le Minh; Nguyen, Manh Hung; Tran, Thanh Binh; Nguyen, Thi Bich Dao
The Capital Structure Trends Of Profitable Firms In Vietnam.pdf.jpg2015The capital structure trends of profitable firms in VietnamNguyễn, Ngọc Danh; Hua, Kim Dung; Le, Nu Thuy Dieu; Phan, Tien Anh; Cao, Duong Thanh
2009Contemporary Issues in FinanceVuong, Quan Hoang; Tran, Tri Dung
Determinants of foreign exchange rate in Vietnam.pdf.jpg2015Determinants Of Foreign Exchange Rate In VietnamNguyễn, Thị Thanh Nhàn; Tran, Thi Ngoc Anh; Truong, Thi Tam Anh; Nguyen, Thi Minh Huong; Nguyen, Ba Hung; Nguyen, Thi Dieu Nga
2017Digital Transformation in Financial Services; Scardovi, Claudio
Factors that affect to the success of State Treasury issues _Case study of Viet Nam government bonds.pdf.jpg2015Factors that affect to the success of State Treasury issues Case study of Viet Nam government bondsVõ, Minh Hiếu; Lương, Thị Thu; Đỗ, Ngọc Anh Thư; Huỳnh, Thị Bích Phượng; Nguyễn, Nguyên Quốc Bảo; Bùi, Trần Thu Thủy
2009FIN202/303-Corporate FinanceParrino, Robert; Kidwell, David S
2010FIN301-Finanical Market & InstitutionMadura, Jeff
2013FIN402 Introduction to Derivatives and Risk ManagementChance, Don M.; Brooks, Robert
Financial Evaluation Of A Specific Sme.pdf.jpg2015Financial Evaluation Of A Specific SmeVõ, Minh Hiếu; Do, Hoang Xuan Quynh; Tran, Hoang Hieu; Nguyen, Tran Thao Nguyen; Pham, The Thanh Binh
A financial performance and sales strategy Comparison of Wholy Foreign-owned Foreign-owned Banks vs State-owned Banks in Vietnam.pdf.jpg2015A financial performance and sales strategy Comparison of Wholy Foreign-owned Foreign-owned Banks vs State-owned Banks in VietnamNguyễn, Thị Ngọc Duyên; Nguyễn, Đức Lợi; Lê, Minh Hùng; Trương, Nhật Quyền; Nguyễn, Minh Tuấn; Vũ, Minh Hoàng
Financial Statement Analysis – Case Study ACB.pdf.jpg2015Financial Statement Analysis – Case Study ACBNguyễn, Quốc Bảo; Bui, Thi My Linh; Nguyen, Nu Nhat Minh; Nguyen, Le Quoc Tu
Financial Statement Analysis – Case Study of Vietinbank.pdf.jpg2015Financial Statement Analysis – Case Study of VietinbankBùi, Thị Thảo Ly; Huynh, Thi Viet Nga; Tran, Thi Thanh Nga; Duong, Dung Phuong Nam; Pham, Thi Kim Oanh
2007Hospitality Financial ManagementAgnes, L. DeFranco; Thomas, W. Lattin
The impact of financial market ratios on stock returns in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange.pdf.jpg2015The impact of financial market ratios on stock returns in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange (VN30)Đinh, Tiến Thành; Tran, Thi Hanh Trang; Nguyen, Quang Duy; Tran, Thi Truc Giang; Nguyen, Tan Sang
Impact of financial market ratios to individual investors decision In vietnam.pdf.jpg2015Impact of financial market ratios to individual investors decision in VietnamĐinh, Tiến Thành; Le, Minh Hong Nhung; Nguyen, Thi Mai; Nguyen, Thi Thu Thuy; Ho, Si Quoc Dung; Tran, Ngoc Quang Huy
Showing results 1 to 20 of 28


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